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zzjeäysáhkag muKhsZZ Ñ;%mg ;eKq Æùf.a wÆ;au ks<sh .fhaId

Æù jekaviag%dgka lshkafka l,la furg mej;s"w;sYh ckm%sh jQ jeäysáhkag muKla iSud jQ Ñ;%mg /,af,a ks¾ud;D'óg oYl lsysmhlg muK fmr furg iskudYd,d j,g fma%laIhska fkdmeñfKk hq.fha zzwef.a ffjrhZZ kñka iskudmg ud,djla ksmojd ,xldj ;=< jeäysáhkag muKhs iskudmg /,a,la Tyq ìys l<d'

ì÷Kq yoj; kñka ye;a;ej oYlfha ;u m<uq iskudmgh ks¾udKh l< Æù fï jk úg Ñ;%mg ;sylg wêl m%udKhla ksmojd ;sfhkjd'iskud lafIa;%h ;=< ;ju;a il%Shj bkak fï ks¾udKlrejd ks¾udKhla jq zzfndkslaldZZ iskudmgh m%;sks¾udKh lr ;sfhkjd'ta kñkau ks¾udKh jq kj ks¾udKh i|yd rx.kfhka odhl jkafka kj mrmqf¾ olaI rx. Ys,amsKshla jq .fhaId fmf¾rdhs'

md;d, kdhlfhl= jákd ueKsla f;d.hla fidrlï lr fndkslaflla ;=< i.jkjd'fï fndkslald tla tla mqoa.,hdf.a w;ska w;sg hk tl flakao% lr .ksñkqhs fï ks¾udKh È. yefrkafka'cdkl ,shkf.a ksIamdok ld¾hfhka yev jq fuu iskudmgh ßÜia m%uqL t,a' t*a' ã' iy tï' mS' whs' uKav,j, iskudYd,dj, fï jk úg ;sr.; fjñka mj;skjd'

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