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w.úksiqre m;alsÍu jerÈ kï ÿka kvq ;Skaÿ;a n, rys;hs
ysgmq w.úksiqre ir;a kkao is,ajd

w.úksiqre fudydka mSßia uy;d m;a l< wdldrh n,Y=kH hehs lshkafka kï jir foll ld,hla mqrd Tyq ÿka kvq ;Skaÿ o n, rys; jkafka hehs ysgmq w.úksiqre ir;a kkao is,ajd uy;d m%ldY lf<ah'

w.úksiqrejrhd bj;alsÍug wkq.ukh l< l%uh ;ud lsisfia;a wkqu; fkdlrk nj o lSh'wêlrKfha by<u ;k;=r fï wdldrfhka nd,aÿùula tu ;k;=r m%;sIaGdmkh l< 1802 jif¾ isg fï olajd jQ b;sydifha lsisu úfgl isÿù ke;ehs o ysgmq w.úksiqrejrhd mejiSh'

fuu isoaêh ;=<ska wúksYaÑ; w¾nqoldÍ ;;a;ajhla we;sjk w;r hï l%shdjla kS;Hkql+,j lrkq ñi yÈisfha lrkakg hdu ksid w¾nqoldÍ ;;a;ajhka W.% jk nj;a lSfõh'

wêlrK la‍fIa;%hg mj;sk uyck f.!rjh yd úYajdih m¿ÿ ù hdug fujeks ;;a;ajhka fya;= jk w;r u;= wkd.;fhys kvq úi£ïj,g mjd ìhla we;slrjk nj;a ir;akkao is,ajd uy;d lshd isà'kvq úi£fï l%shdjkays fhÿkq by< ;k;=re oerejka kS;Hkql+, fkdjk whqßka bj;a lsÍfuka we;slrk ;;a;ajh hymd,khg mgyeks jk w;r kS;sfha hymd,kh ì| fy<Sula hehs o ir;akkao is,ajd uy;d fmkajd ÿkafkah'

ohd fidauisß

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