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.d,af,a wú kej kS;Hdkql+,hs
wdrlaIl f,alï

.d,af,a kex.=rï,d ;snq uykqjr keu;s kefõ ;sî fidahd.;a wú 3000la yd WKav y;a,laIhl f;d.h úfoia iud.ï lsysmhlg wh;a nj;a tajd .nvdlr ;snqfKa kS;Hdkql+,j nj;a wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh isÿl< úu¾IKj,§ fy,sù we;'
fuu wú kefõ Ndrldrhkajq wejkaÜ .d¾â fußghsï iud.fï m‍%odkS fïc¾ ksIaYxl fiakdêm;s iy WmfoaYl ysgmq kdúl yuqodm;s fidau;s,l Èidkdhl hk uy;ajreka Bfha ^21& wdrlaIl f,alï hQ'ã niakdhl uy;d yuqù lreKq bÈßm;a lsÍfuka miq tu kej kS;Hdkql+, wú kejla hehs ikd: ù we;'

ta wkqj tlS kej kS;Hdkql+, wúkejla hehs wdrlaIl f,alï à.ta.hQ.ã niakdhl uy;d m‍%ldY lrhs'

tu kej bka§h kdúl yuqodfõ woañrd,a m‍%idohg ,laù we;'

.dÆjrdhg ie;mqï 7la wE;ska msysá cd;Hka;r uqyqÿ ud¾.h uqyqÿ fld,a,lrejkaf.ka rel .ekSug tu uykqjr kej fhdojd ;snq njo tlai;a cd;Skaf.a kdúl ixúOdkh ta ms<snoj oek isá njo jeäÿr mÍlaIKj,ska fy<sù we;'

kefõ ;snq wú yd WKav ish,a, wdrlaIl wud;HxY ,sms f.dkqj, ioyka jk njo wdrlaIl wdud;HxY wdrxÑ ud¾. ioyka lrhs'

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