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hdkh fhdaIs;g ÿka nj Ñ;%mg wOHlaI lshhs
iÛjd ;snQ .=jka hdkhla kdrdfyakamsáka u;=fõ - ùäfhda iys;hs 

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kdrdfyakamsáka fidhd .;a ieye,aÆ .=jka hdkh ;udf.a nj Ñ;%mg wOHlaIjrhl= jk pkao%ï r;akï uy;d lshhs'

Y%S ,xldfõ§ idok ,o tu hdkh fojrla muK mshdir lr ;ud <Û ;snQ nj;a" ysgmq ckm;sf.a mq;a fhdaIs; rdcmlaI ;udf.ka th b,a,d .;a nj;a Tyq lshhs'

tu hdkh mshdir l< yels ;;a;ajfha ke;s nj o r;akï uy;d mjihs'

isú,a .=jka fiajd wdrxÑ mjikqfha Y%S ,xldfõ ishÆ hdkd tu fomd¾;fïka;=fõ ,shdmÈxÑ l< hq;= njhs'

tfy;a fuu hdkh tys ,shdmÈxÑ lr we;aoehs laIKslju oek .; fkdyels úh' ,shdmÈxÑ fkdl< hdkd .=jkg kexùu ;ykïh'
fujeks hdkd fldá ixúOdkh i;=j meje;s nj;a" Tjqka fndaïn oeóug meñKsfha tjeks hdkdj,ska nj;a .=jka hdkd .ek okakd wh lsh;s'

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