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uyskao Y%S,ksm wkqYdil Oqrfhka 
bj;a lsÍug ffu;%S ;SrKh lrhs''
uyskao rdcmlaI wêlrKhg 
bÈßm;a lrkjd - wêlrK weu;s''

ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d" ckdêm;sjrK Èk rd;%Sfha ;jÿrg;a n,h r|jd .ekSug l=uka;%Khla l, njg ms<s.; yels idlaIs ,enqkfyd;a" Tyqj Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha wkqYdil Oqrfhka bj;a lsÍug tu mlaIfha kdhl ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ;SrKh lr we;ehs  jd¾;dfõ'

wêlrK weu;s úfcaodi rdcmlaI uy;d ,xld fâ,s fjí wvúh iu. l, iïuqL idlÉcdjl § mjid we;af;a" ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdg oeka uqla;shla ke;s njhs' ckdêm;sjrKh Èk rd;%S wr,sh .y ukaÈrfha hï l=uka;‍%Khla isÿj ;sfíkï" Tyqj wêlrKh yuqjg f.kshk njo weu;sjrhd wjOdrKh lr we;'

tod t;k ysgmq ish¨ fokdg úreoaOj mshjr .kakjd' uyskao rdcmlaI;a t;k bo,d ;sfhkjd' oeka ckdêm;sjrhdf.a uqla;sh wjika' 35 j.ka;sh hgf;a ;sín /ljrKh oeka kE' jerÈ lr,d ;sfhkjkï Tyqj;a wksjd¾fhkau kS;sh yuqjg f.akjd' hy md,kh ioyd rglg uq,skau kS;shla wjYHhs hhs o weu;sjrhd mjid we;'

flfiajqjo" Y%S,ksm jHjia:dfõ 12 jk j.ka;shg wkqj" Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%Sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha úOdhl ckdêm;s Oqrhg m;aj tlS Oqr ld,h wjika l, Y%S,ksm idudðlhl= ks, n,fhka wkqYdil Oqrhg m;afõ'

ta wkqj fïjkúg pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl l=udrK;=x. uy;añh fukau" uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d o Y%S,ksm wkqYdiljreka fõ'

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