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hymd,khg uka;%S iydh ke;skï
md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd uy
Pkaohlg hkak - tcdm uka;%Sjre
rks,af.ka b,a,;s

hymd,khla‌ we;s lsÍu i|yd kj rch ie,iqï lr we;s jevms<sfj<g uka;%Sjre iydh fkdfokafka kï jydu l%shd;aul jk mßÈ md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yer uy ue;sjrKhlg hk f,i tla‌i;a cd;sl mla‍Ifha uka;%Sjre fmf¾od ^11 od& w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;df.ka b,a,Sula‌ lr we;' ckdêm;sjrKh wdKa‌vq n,h" Ok n,h" uer n,h yd rdcH iïm;a Wmßu f,i fhdodf.k meje;ajqjo bka úmla‍Ihg ch.%yKh lsÍug yels jQ nj;a ta lsisjla‌ fkdue;sj fujr md¾,sfïka;= ue;sjrKh mj;ajkafka kï tcdmh m%uqL wfkl=;a n,fõ.j,g md¾,sfïka;=fõ 2$3 lg;a jvd jeä n,hla‌ myiqfjka ,nd.; yels nj o tu uka;%Sjre w.ue;sjrhdg fmkajd § ;sfí'

Y%S ,xld b;sydifha lsisÿ hq.hl bÈßm;a fkdjQ rg f.dvke.Su i|yd jk kj jevms<sfj<la‌ bÈßm;a lr ;sfnk fï wjia‌:dfõ md¾,sfïka;=j ksfhdackh lrk uyck ksfhdað;hka ishÆ fokdf.a j.lSu yd hq;=lu jkafka rg fjkqfjka fï jevms<sfj< ch.%yKh lrùu nj tu uka;%Sjreka mjid we;'

rfÜ m%cd;ka;%jdoh" udOH ksoyi" ck;d whs;sjdislï wdrla‍Id lrñka jegqma" wdodhï ud¾. jeälr hymd,khla‌ ;=<ska kj foaYmd,k ixia‌lD;shla‌ lrd hk .ufka§ Bg ndOd lrk" Bg tl`. fkdjk md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjreka isà kï we;s tlu úl,amh md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yer uy ue;sjrKhlska md¾,sfïka;=fõ n,h ,nd.ekSu nj tla‌i;a cd;sl mla‍I md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjreka ;jÿrg;a rks,a úl%uisxy uy;dg fmkajd § we;'

-mshfiak Èidkdhl

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