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ffu;%S md,kh Èk 100ka rg
yooa§ .ïukams, Èk 97ka
wdKavqjla f.fkk nj lshhs

Èk 97la ;=, furg foaYfma‍%ó wdKavqjla ìys lrk nj msú;=re fy< Wreuh mjikjd' 

tys uy f,alï m<d;a iNd uka;S‍% Woh .ïukams, fld<U wo meje;s udOH yuqjlg tlafjñka lshd isáfha j;auka rcfha Èk 100fha jevms<sfj,g msú;=re fy< Wreuh iydh ,ndfok njhs'

bÈß md¾,sfïka;= uyue;sjrKfha§ w.ue;s wfmalaIlhd f,i uyskao rdcmlaI ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd bÈßm;a úh hq;= njg ksoyia ikaOdkh ;SrKh lr we;s w;r ta ioyd fuf;la ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a wkque;sh ysñj fkdue;s nj o Tyq ioyka l<d'

t<fUk md¾,sfïka;= uyue;sjrKfha§ rks,a - uyskao oajkao igkla oel .ekSug yels jkq we;s nj o m<d;a iNd uka;‍%Sjrhd ;jÿrg;a m‍%ldY l<d'

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