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fjä;nd.kakd nj lshQ pkaøisß
nKavdr woyia olajhs

miq.shod mej;s ckdêm;sjrKfha§ ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ksielju ch.%yKh lrk njg fc!;sIHfõ§ pkaøisß nKavdr uy;d m%isoaêfha m%ldY lr isáfhah'

th ;yjqre lrñka Tyq mejiqfõ t‍fia uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ch.%yKh fkdl<fyd;a m%isoaêfha fjä ;nd.kakd njhs'  tfukau Tyq flakaor n,k ld¾hho k;rlrk njg m%isoaêfhau m%ldYfldg isáfhah'

flfia kuq;a fï jk úg ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ckdêm;sjrKfhka ch.%yKh fldg we;s ksid Tyqf.a wkdjelsh ms<sn|j;a ysig fjä ;nd.kakd njg l, wNsfhda.h ms<sn|j;a fndfyda fokd úmrï lrkakg úh'

;uka m%ldYl, wkdjelsh ms<sn|j pkaøisß nKavdr uy;d fï jkúg mqj;am;lg m%ldYhla ksl=;a lr we;s w;r tys oelafjkafka ;uka tf,i m%ldY lf,a fma%laIlhskag yeÕSula we;slsÍug njhs' tfukau jeäÿrg;a woyia olajd we;s Tyq mjikafka fuf,i wkdjels m<lsÍfï§ tajd 100]la yßhkafkao ke;s njhs'

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