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‘idOdrKh bgqjqKd'
Y%S mjkag iqnm;kjdæ
úY%du .ksñka Ysrd‚ nKavdrkdhl lshhs wjqreÿ foll ld,fha ;ud;a mjqf,a Woúh;a fndfyda lrorj,g uqyqK mE nj;a" wo Èkfha ;ud úYdu .kakd nj;a" kj w.úksiqre f,i m;aùug kshñ; fla Y%Smjka uy;dg iqn m;k nj;a w.úksiqre Ysrd‚ nKavdrkdhl uy;añh fiajfhka úY%du .ekSu fjkqfjka meje;s W;aijfha § mejiqjdh'

fYaIaGdêlrK" wNshdpkdêlrK" uydêlrK iy ufyaia;%d;a wêlrK úksiqrejre /ila o" kS;S{jre o Bg tlajQy' jir fofla mokï úrys; fpdaokd bÈßm;a l<d' nrm;, jev iys;j ysf¾ .shd jf.a mSvkhlska ysáfha' oeka ta ld,h ksud jqKd' idOdrKh bIaG jqKd'ud jir folla fï wr.,h f.ksÉfÉ wêlrKfha iajdëk;ajh fjkqfjka'uq< isgu wm iuÕ isá" wmg jQ widOdrKh fjkqfjka fmkS isá ish¨‍ fokdg ia;=;sjka; fjkjd'  hehs o weh lSjdh'

Y%S ,xld kS;S{ ix.ufha iNdm;s Wmq,a chiQßh uy;d ish l;dfõ § lSfõ mj;sk ;;a;ajh ;=< w.úksiqrejßh úY%du hEug ;SrKh lsÍu w.h lrk njhs' tfukau 17 jeks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh wfydais lr 18 jeks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh l%shd;aul lsÍug hk fudfydf;a cku; úpdrKhla fkdmeje;aùu .ek nKavdrkdhl uy;añh o j. lsj hq;= hehs o Tyq lSfõh' chiQßh uy;df.a l;dfõ § w.úksiqrejßhf.ka jQ wvqmdvq yd weh ÿka fYaIaG ;Skaÿ .ek o l;d lf<ah'

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