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neis,a - v,ia l=uka;%Khla l<d
Y%S,ksm uka;%Sjre lsh;s

weußldkq mqrjeishka jQ neis,a rdcmlaI yd v,ia w,ymafmreu ysgmq wud;Hjreka fofokd weußldkq rcfha wjYH;djh u; rdcmlaI wdKavqj fmr,Sug ryis.; l=uka;%Khla lr we;ehs Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha uka;%Sjre fpdaokd lr;s'

ikaOdk wdKavqfõ ysgmq wud;Hjrhl= fukau Y%S,ksm m%n,hl= zY%S ,xld ñr¾ fjí wvúhZ fj; tnj lshd isáfha" neis,a rdcmlaI uy;d weußldjg m,d f.dia tu mlaIfha cd;sl ixúOdhl Oqrfhka b,a,d wiajk njg oekqï§u iïnkaOfhka woyia olajñks'

Y%S,ksm uka;%Sjre msßila fuu ldrKh ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdg Bfha meyeÈ,s lr we;s w;r tys i;H;djhla ;sìh yels njg ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd o ielm< lr ;sfí'

wo miajre 3'00g Y%S ,xld mokï wdh;kfha § meje;afjk Y%S,ksm uOHu ldrl iNdfõ§ yd 3'30g meje;afjk iuia; ,xld ldrl iNdfõ§ v,ia w,ymafmreu uy;d h,s tu mlaIfha NdKavd.dßl lsÍug n,j;a úfrdaOhla u;=ù we;s w;r" v,ia uy;d NdKavd.dßl l<fyd;a ;ud mlaIfhka b,a,d wiaù tcdmhg tlajk njg ud;r Èia;%Sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S fyaud,a .=Kfialr uy;d mjid ;sfí

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