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neis,a weußldjg hkak hhs

wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok wud;H neis,a rdcmlaI uy;d ish ìß| mqIamd rdcmlaI uy;añh iu. wo w¿hu vqndhs n,d msg;aj .sfhah'

lÆ meye äf*kav¾ r:hlska yd î'tï'ví,sõ r:hlska lgqkdhl nKavdrkdhl cd;Hka;r .=jkaf;dgqfmd< m%NQ m¾hka;g meñKs neis,a rdcmlaI yd ìßh tñf¾Üia .=jka fiajhg wh;a B'fla 349 orK .=jka hdkfhka wo w¿hu 2'55 g Èjhsfkka msg;a úh'

wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok wud;H ÿrh oerE Tyq iSud rys; f,i n, ;, ysñlrf.k isá weußldkq mqrjeisfhls'

Tyq vqndhs yryd weußldfõ le,sf*dakshd m%dka;hg .sh nj oek.kakg we;' rdcmlaI mjqf,a fndfyda fofkl= weußldfõ mÈxÑj isá;s'

rdcmlaI mjqf,a ;j;a idudðldfjda fofofkl= Bfha w¿hu vqndhs n,d msg;aj .shy'

neis,a rdcmlaI uy;d .ïmy Èia;%slalfhka foaYmd,khg msúisfhah' Tyqf.a m<uq kdu fhdackd m;%fhys /lshdj f,i i|yka lr ;snqfka f.dú;ekhs'

ckdêm;sjrKhg i;shlg muK fmr isg Tyqf.a .ïmy ld¾hd,fha ;snq ,sh lshú,s we;=Æ nvq Ndkav ish,a, /ila /f.k f.dia ;sìKs'

mqIamd rdcmlaI uy;añh z,sh wìukaZ iNdm;sksh f,i lghq;= l<dh'

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