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ckm;sjrKh ojfia .‍%yhka yeisfrkafka fufyuhs'''
if|a uqÿkajk zzwia,shZZ kel; isg 2015 ckjdß 08 n‍%yiam;skaod isß rdyq, ysñmdKka jykafia ie<,sysKshg fhÿ wiaúo kel; mj;soa§ i÷ uqÿkaùug fjkia jqj zzwia,shZZ kel; fh§ i÷ uqÿkaùula 2015 ckjdß ui 08 jeks Èk isÿfõ' ld¾hhg .;a kel; mj;soa§ pkao%hd wyi uqÿfka isàu hï fi!Nd.Hu;a .=Khls'

wia,si kelf;a fojk mdofha i÷ fh§ isáh§ Wodjk fuoji Èjd Nd.h ;=< ue;sjrKh ksujk f;lau i÷ lglfha iajla‍fIa;‍%j isà' is; fufyhjk m‍%Odk .‍%yhd jYfhka udkj Ñ;a;h hym;a wruqKq lrd fhduq lsÍfï .=Kh fuÈk i÷f.ka fhfoa'

yegyh meh blaujd kel; mj;sk ksid fmdf<djg flakao%Shj pkao%hd fuÈk .uka .kafka fyñks' tkï udkj Ñka;kfha blaukaldÍ njo j<lajhs' iajla‍fIa;‍% pkao%hd fuÈk ñksia is; blauka yd jerÈ ;SrK .ekSfï .=Khla we;s fkdlrk wju lrk mokul isà'

fkdjeïn¾ 18 fhÿfka kele;a n,d fkdfõ' tf,iu 20od rdcH kdhlhdf.a m‍%ldYho" kdu fhdackd foieïn¾ 8 Èkhg fh§uo" ue;sjrKh ckjdß 8 Èkg fh§u o kele;a msßlaid lrk ,o oE fkdj rdcH ;dka;‍%slj l< hq;= mßÈ fhdok ,o Èkhkafõ'

fï Èkh Y%S ,dxlsl ck;djg n,mdk wdldrh ms<sn|j wmg oefkk Ydia;‍%Sh ú.‍%yhls fï' lglfha 8 jeks wxYlh ;=< i÷ fh§u b;du úYsIagh' 22 jeks wxYlh ;=< i÷ fh§u ÿ¾j,h' th i÷g uD;HqiqjdxYhlh fõ' oji Wodfjoa§ ^ysre Wodj ojfia Wodjh& i÷ lglfha 23'20'00o blaujd isà' tfyhska wYqN wxYfha

yeisÍula fuÈk uq¿ Èjdudkh ;=<u isÿ fkdfõ' ta ;;a;ajh b;d iekis,sodhlh'

wiaúo wd§ kele;a 27 isoaê" idOH" iqisoaê wd§ mka;s 3g" 9 ne.ska fnod lghq;= lsÍfï§ isoaê mka;sh 1la f,i;a" idOH mka;sh 2la f,i;a" iqisoaê mka;sh 3 la f,i;a w.h olajd i,lk úg tla ;Srejl .=Kh 6ls' tkï ;Sre 9ys .=K tall 54la fõ'

rgl fmdÿ ck;dj iuia;hla f,i i,lk úg fï kele;a 27 ;=< iuj jdf.a isà' ckau odhdoh ,eîu u;" idudkHfhka ta ta kele;a ysñhka iuj isák f,i ie,lSu ksjroh' tkï Y%S ,xld ck;djf.ka 27g fnÿ tla mx.=jla tlu kel;lg wh;a jQjka fia i,ld .; yelsh' ta ta kele;a ysñhka zzwia,siZZ kel; fhÿKq Èkfha ,eìh yels M,h o o< jYfhka ;lafiare lsÍu wmf.a jEhu fõ' ^wia,si kel; mdm kel;la jqjo ckañhdf.a kel; wkqj ia:dkh tlS .=Kfhka hq;=fõ&'

rch úNd.hla mj;ajkafka lsishï Èfkl o ta úNd.fhka fldgila wksjd¾hj wiu;a nj ,n;s' fldgila W!K idud¾:ho" fldgila mka;s lSmhl idud¾:hkao" wkqms<sfj,ska ,nk w;r úYsIaG iu;=ka lSmfokl= o iu. w;s úYsIaG tla whl= o isà' we;eful= úNd.hg fmkS o fkdisà' tf,iu ue;sjrKfha§ o tla úYsIaGhl=;a" lsishï mokul Pkao ,nkakka iy b;d ÿ¾j, mokul ckao ,nkakka o we;sfõ' tf,i fjkafka kele;a .=Kh u; ckaóka ,nk M,h wkqjh'

2015'01'08 jeks n‍%yiam;skaod ^fld<U k.rhg& m'j' 1'41 - 3'07 f;la rdyq ld,hhs' ^fuys olajk Trf,daiq ld, udkhka ish,a,u wfkla m‍%foaYj,§ fld<Ug fmrd;=j ysre Wodjk ld, mrdih wkqj wvq lr ;u ia:dkhg ixfYdaOkh lr .kak& fuÈk ysre Wodjg fmr 6'12 - 6'24 f;la ikaOHd fodaIhhs' kej; oyj,a 12'02 - 12'28 f;la fojeks ikaOHd fodaIhhs' fï wjia:d YqN fkdfõ' Wfoa 8'36 - 9'20 olajd kkaok uqyq¾;ho" iji 3'12 - 3'56 olajd wNsð;a uqyq¾;h o hk 16 úO uqyq¾; kshufha .=Kd;aul wjia:djkah'

6'14'04 f;la Okq ,.akh meje;S t;eka isg 8'38'30 f;la ulrh o" t;eka isg 10'25'39 f;la l=ïNh o t;eka isg 12'08'44f;la ókho" t;eka isg 2'01'20 f;la fïIho t;eka isg 4'06'10 f;la jDINho hk ,.ak Wodj mj;S' ^foaYdka;r fjkig wu;rj wlaI fNaoh o wkqj fï ,.ak Wod fõ,dj, ;;amr lSmhlaj;a wvq fyda jeä njla ia:dk ia:dk .;j mj;sk nj ldreKslj i,lkak&' ;ukaf.a ,.akhg 12 jeks ,.akh jk ,.akfhka lghq;= lsÍu M, YqKh nj m< lrhs' tkï ulr ,.ak ysñhd Okq ,.akh mj;soa§ o l=ïN ,.ak ysñhd ulr ,.akh mj;soa§ o hk ms<sfj,g mj;sk ,.akh ;udf.a ,.akhg 12 jekak kï lghq;= lsÍfuka je,elS isàu uekeú'

fï wdldrhg kel; ljrla jqj;a ,.akh ljrla jqj;a fjk;a ndOl o fhÿk;a fmdÿfõ ojfiys n,mdk kele;a .=Kh u; úhyels M,h ms<sn|j Èh yels fufiah'

kele;a 3la ysñhkag fuÈk ,nk M,h YqkHh' tkï 54ka 6 .=Khls' wia,si kelef;a 2 jeks mdoh Wodù we;s ksid fï wYqN nj wju 4la f,i o Wmßu 8la f,io mokï 3l mj;S' ta wkqj 1"55"00000la muK jk Pkao ysñhkaf.ka tlS fldgi Pkaoh §fuka j<lskjd we;' ke;fyd;a Pkaoh wmf;a yßkjd we;'

wm .Kkh lrk moku wkqj kele;a mka;s 5l tall 6 ne.ska jk wkqmd; m‍%udKhl ck;dj ch.‍%dylhska ùfï bv we;' tkï 54ka 30ls' fuho Wmßuh úh yels w;r Wod kele;a mdoh wkqj fuhska mx.= 2la wvqúh yelsh' tkï 54ka 28la wju jYfhka ch.‍%dyl mokul isáh yelsh' mrdð; msßi 20l ,dNS njl meje;sh yelsh' fï ojfia kele;a .=Kh wkqj ckaókaf.a m‍%;s,dN mokuh'

fï .Kkh wkqj wju ,laI 17la Pqkaoh §fuka j<lS' mrdð; msßi Wmßu ,laI 56l isà' ch.‍%dyl ,laI" wju 68 fyda Wmßu 80g wdikakj isà' ;jo 2"3"4 ia:dk hï iudk mokulo" 5"6"7 ia:dk ,dNSka bka wvla jQ iudk mokul o ^idudkH& 8"9"10 ia:dk ,dNSka thskq;a wvla jk idudkH mokulo Pqkao m;khl isáh yels w;r fiiafida b;du ySk Pqkao mokul isáh yelsh'

;udg úh yels ndOl j<ld .ekSuo" ;udg Wodúh yels ch ixj¾Okh lr .ekSu fyda Wkkaÿ fkdùu u; j<ld .ekSu o fyda ckañhdgu wh;a fohls' Ñ;a; iudêh hym;a kï kele;a ;rej,g ljrla l< yelso@ ^jrola l< fkdyel& hk woyi nqÿ ysñhka jod< fial' YqN fyda wYqN fuf,iu fjkjdu hehs fï i;r cks; l< bisjrekao olajd ke;' wm olajkafka wm okakd ;rñka jk Ydia;‍%Sh ú.‍%yhhs' th mßj¾;kh lr .ekSu Tn i;=fõ'

;ukaf.a Pkaoh §u ;ukag yels ;rï .=Kodhlj iqÿiq wjia:d f;dardf.k isÿ lrkak'

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