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m;a;r àù fkfï jeämqru ckdêm;s;=udg  myr jeÿfk ihsn¾ wjldYfha
taj ,n, §mq flkd .ekj;a ys;=jo''@
- wfYdal fiarisxy
Ñ;%mg ixia:dfõ ysgmq iNdm;s kS;S{ wfYdal fiarisxy uy;d miq.shod rEmjdysks jevigyklg tlafjñka lshd isáfha fujr ckdêm;sjrKhg mQ¾j iufha mqj;am;a rEmjdyskS we;=¿ fndfyda udOH uyskaog myr fkd.eiQ kuq;a ihsn¾ wjldYfha ^f*aia nqla we;=¿ fjí wvú Tiafia& muKla myr jeÿK nj;ah'
ta wkqj ;reK mrmqrg wjjdohla fok Tyq ,xldjg bkag¾fkÜ ÿkafka ckdêm;sjrhd neúka Tyqg ie,ls,a,la olajd uq, wu;l fkdlrk f,i 

okajd isákjd''

Tyq fï .ek lshd isáfha my; mßÈh'

zt;=udg myr t,a, fjkafk'' ihsn¾ wjldYfha ießirkakkaf.ka' ta ihsn¾ wjldYh muKhs t;=ug myr fokafk' wfma cd;sl mqj;am;aj;a ckudOHj;a kE'

lreKdlr, ys;, n,kak fï ihsn¾ wjldYfha ießirkak wjia:dj ,ndÿkafka ljqo lsh,'''w; ckdêm;s;=ud úiska fï f,dalfha ihsn¾ wjYH;djh y÷kf.k t;=ud fïl ,n, ÿkak' ta ud¾f.damfoaYkh ;ud keki< jHdmD;sh'

keki<g f,dalfha fyd|u jHdmD;shla úÈyg iïudk;a ,enqKd' fï ;ekg iïmQ¾K wdfhdackh lf<a wfma ckdêm;s;=ud'
wms l,dlrefjd yeáhg fï ihsn¾ wjldYfha ießirK ÿjd, mq;a;=kag lshkak ´k''ckdêm;s wfmalaIlhd ihsn¾ wjldYh yryd w÷k.kak tmd''
fmdf<dfj mh;shkak' l,amKd lrkak Tnf.a ihsn¾ ießieÍug wjia:dj ,ndÿkafk ljqo lsh,d'';ukag w; §mq whf.a w; ymd lkak tmd'''

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