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wk¾l,Sg - ÈÆï ÿka leítl uia lr,d

bl=;a ol=Kq m<d;a iNd ue;sjrKfha§ ud;r Èia;%slalfhka wdKavq mlaIfhka ;r. l< ckm%sh ks<s wk¾l,S wdl¾Idg ish Pkao lghq;= i|yd fhdod .ekSug ,ndÿka njg iel flfrk leí r:hla ud;r .rdchl ;sìh§ 20 fmrjrefõ fidhdf.k we;'

fufia fidhd.;a leí r:fha fndfyda fldgia uialr ;snQ njo mejfia'

fï leír:h fixlv., kfjdaofhka ,ndÿka tlla njgo fïjk úg f;dr;=re fy<sj ;sfí'

fokshdfha§ wk;=rlg m;aùfuka miqj fï leír:h ud;rg f.kú;a we;s nj mejfia'

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fï iïnkaofhka f;dr;=re ,nd.ekSug wm ÈÆï ÿrl:kfhka iïnkaO lr .ekSug W;aidy l<o th wid¾:l úh'

rdcmlaI ckm;sjrhdf.a rcfha uq,H yd ie,iqï ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd jQ ir;a wuqKq.u" ÈÆïf.a f,dl= ;d;a;dh'

ir;a wuqKq.u uy;d rdcmlaI uy;d ckm;sjrKh mrdchùfuka miqj ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg Y%S,xld ksoyia mlaIfha iNdm;slu ,nd.ekSug iyhÈug tlajQ wfhls'

PdhdrEm - ,xld§m

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