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w¨;a wOHdmk weu;s
tlaiamSßhkaia fudlj;a ke;s fndakslaflla
-ohdisß chfialr

w¨;ska m;aj we;s wOHdmk weu;sjrhd lsisÿ w;a±lSula ke;s fndakslafll= nj;a Tyq mdi,aj, kï fjkialrkak ye¥ ksid th Tmamqù we;s nj;a jhU uyweu;s ohdisß chfialr m%ldY lrkjd'
Bfha ^27& lgqfmd; ;siaij uOHuyd úoHd,fha mej;s uyskafodaoh .=re úfõld.drh újD; lsÍfï W;aijhg iyNd.S fjñka wud;Hjrhd lshd isáfha fufiah'

zuyskafodaoh mdi,a j, uyskafodaoh lshk ku fjkia lrkjd lsh,d w¿;a wOHdmk weu;s lshkjd' tfyu lrkjdkï Bg l,ska ã'tia'
fiakdkdhl" lkakx.r" nKavdrkdhl" fld;,dj, jf.a mdi,a j,g od,d ;shk kï fjkia lrkak fjkjd' uyskafodaoh lshk ku ysgmq ckdêm;s;=udf.a ixlm,amhla'

ta ksid Bfha fmf¾od wdmq wh oeka ffjrh msßuykak mgka wrf.k ;sfhkafka' w;aoelSï ke;s wh ;k;=re j,g wdju lrkafka fudllao lsh,d Tjqkag yßhg f;afrkafka kE
wOHdmk wud;HOqrfha ysáfha fï jf.a fndakslaflda fkfuhs'

iS' ví' ví' lkakx.r" ,hk,a ch;s,l" Bßhf.d,a," ßpâ m;srK" rks,a úl%uisxy" nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok jf.a uyd m%d{khka' oeka bkak wh lrkafka udOHhg fudkjyß lshk tl ú;rhs' ta t;=ud lsh,d ;shkjd uu l=,shdmsáh iqNdr;s úoHd,hg <uhs 90 la od,d ;shkjd lsh,d'
uu wNsfhda. lrkjd uu tfyu lrd lsh,d Tmamq lr,d fmkakqfjd;a uu uy weu;slfuka b,a,d wiafjkjd'Z

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