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ÈuQf.a iïnkaëlrK
f,alïjrfhl= isá ksjfia
md¿ <solska

,sms f,aLk oeuQ f.dakS 19la
f.dv.kshs (video)

ysgmq w.ue;s Èuq chr;ak uy;df.a iïnkaëlrK f,alïjrfhl= nj mejfik mqoa.,fhl= kej;S isá nj lshk ñkqjkaf.dv" jákdmy m%foaYfha ksjil md¿ <s|l i.jd ;snQ ,smsf.dkq oeuQ f.dakS 19la ^24od& f.dvg .;a nj fmd,Sish lshhs'

fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldß wð;a frdayK uy;d mejiqfõ tu f.daksj, mhs,a ljr" ,sms f.dkq" we;=¿ fjk;a lshú,s we;s njhs' 

wxl 58" fj,fmd," jákdmy" ñkqjkaf.dv ,smskfha mÈxÑ whsjka fcda¾Ê keue;s whg wh;a ksjil ysgmq w.ue;s iïnkaëlrK f,alïjrfhl= nj mejfik l=remamq wdrÉÑ,df.a O¾ufiak hk kej;S isá nj fmd,Sish úiska wkdjrKh lrf.k we;' 

tu ksjfia we;s md¿ <s|l lsishï iellghq;= f.dakS f;d.hla we;s njg ñkqjkaf.dv fmd,Sishg ^24od& WoEik 7'15g muK ÿrl:k weu;=ula ,eî we;' 

ta wkQj tu ia:dkhg f.dia mÍlaIK wdrïN l< fmd,Sish tys ;sî fuu f.dakS f;d.h ^24od& fmrjre 11g muK f.dv.;a nj fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd mejiSh' 

fï ms<sn|j ñkqjkaf.dv fmd,Sish jeäÿrg;a mÍlaIK wdrïN lr we;s w;r isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fï olajd lsisfjl=;a w;awvx.=jg f.k ke;' 

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