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jHdmdßlfhda fokafkla uyskaoghs - ffu;%sghs 
fldaá 100l TÜgqjla w,a,;s

fujr ckdêm;sjrKfha ch.%dylhd uyskao rdcmlaI uy;do" fkdtfia kï ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;do hkak iïnkaOfhka furg m%n, jHdmdßhka fofokl= remsh,a fldaá ishhl TÜgqjla we,a¨ nj úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. uõìu mqj;am;g fy<s lrhs'

th furg ue;sjrK b;sydifha by<u jákdlulska hq;= TÜgqj jk njo tu wdrxÑ ud¾. fmkajd fohs'

ckdêm;s kS;s{hl= yuqfõ fld<U ;remfya fydag,hl§ Tjqka fmf¾od ^1od& rd;%s wgg tu TÜgqjg wod< .súiqï m;%hg wiaika ;nd we;' ckdêm;sjrKj,g jvd fujr ckdêm;sjrKfha§ rg mqrd m%foaY /ilska úúO uQ,H jákdlï we;s TÜgq we,a,Sï ms<sn| jd¾;d jk w;r ckdêm;sjrKfha m%Odk wfmalaIlhka fofokd jk uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a iy ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;df.a foaYmd,k n, m%foaY f,i ie,flk yïnkaf;dg" ud;r" .d,a," fmdf<dkakrej iy wkqrdOmqr Èia;%slalj,ska tjeks TÜgq we,a,Sï /ila isÿù ;sfí' fï TÜgq w;ßka ckdêm;sjrKfha m%Odk wfmalaIlhka fofokdf.a ch.%yKh iïnkaOfhka remsh,a fldaá ishhl TÜgqjla we,a¨ nj lshk jHdmdßlhka fofokd furg m%Odk fmf<a fydag,a ysñlrejka fofokl= jk w;r Tjqka fofokd i;=j ;j;a m%Odk jHdmdr /ilao ;sfí'

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