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hym;a rgla‌ yod ck;d
me;=ï bgq lrkjd
- ffu;%Smd, isßfiak

hym;a rgla‌ ks¾udKh lr ck;d n,dfmdfrd;a;= bgq lr§ug lemjk nj ckdêm;sjrKhg ;r. lrk úmla‍Ifha

fmdÿ wfmala‍Il ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d mejiSh'

kdufhdackd Ndr§fuka wk;=rej rdc.sßh ue;sjrK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ isg udOHhg woyia‌ ola‌jñka fï nj i|yka l< ta uy;d fjk ljrodg;a jvd rfÜ hymd,khl wjYH;dj w

o u;=j ;sfnk nj o mejiSh'

ish ch.%yKfhka miqj wdKa‌vql%u jHjia‌:dfõ fjkila‌ we;slr ck;dj wfmala‍Id lrk hymd,kh we;s lsÍu i|yd lemjk nj;a ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d mejiSh'

j;auka md,kh ksid rfÜ ish¨‍ mqrjeishka oeä mSvdjg m;aj isák nj;a fï ;;a;ajh fjkia‌ lrñka ish¨‍ ck fldgia‌j,g idOdrKh bgqlr§u ;u wruqK nj;a fyf;u jeäÿrg;a lSh'

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