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ú,;a;j i;sfmd< lvd jefghs ) jdyk 3lg w,dN ydks

ìx.sßh ) ú,;a;j i;sfmdf,a f.dvke.s,a,la wo^14& w¿hu 5'30g muK lvd jeàfuka tys kj;d ;snQ ;%S frdao r:hlg iy jdyk follg w,dN ydks isÿù ;sfí'

ú,;a;j i;s fmdf,a jHdmdßl lghq;= isÿ lrKq ,nkafka bßod Èk j, neúka wk;=r isÿjk úg tu ia:dkfha jHdmdßlhska /ila isg we;' lvd jeà we;s f.dvke.s,a, ;=< jHdmdßlhska lSm fofkl= fj<odï iqodkï fjñka isg we;s w;r kuq;a Tjqkag ;=jd, isÿù fkdue;' fj<odï lghq;= ioyd NdKav /f.k ú;a ;snQ ;%S frdao r:hla lvd jeà we;s f.dvke.s,a,g hgù we;s w;r l=vd m%udKfha f,dß r: follg iq¿ ydks isÿù we;'

i;sfha bßod Èkh ú,;a;j i;s fmdf,a jHdmdßl lghq;= isÿ lrk Èkhhs' hï wdldrhlska fuu wk;=r Èjd ld,fha isÿ jqfka kï mdßfNda.slhska fukau jHdmdrlhska lSm fofkl= ñh hkakg yd ;=jd, ,nkakg bv ;snQ nj tys isá jHdmdßlhska lshd isáfhah' f.dvke.s,a, lvd jeàu wdrïNh;a iu.u tys isá msßia bj;g mek we;s njo Tjqka lshd isáfhah'

ú,;a;j i;s fmd, fjkqfjka kj f.dvke.s,s moaO;shla Èßh ìu jevigyk hgf;a fï Èkj, bÈ fjñka mj;sk nj;a" tu f.dvke.s,s bÈlsÍfuka miqj oekg we;s f.dvke.s,s ish,a, bj;a lrk nj fï iïnkaOfhka úuiQ úg ìx.sßh m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ ks,Odßfhl= lshd isáfhah'

mq;a;,u ) cqâ iuka;

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