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zznnhs uuhs ysrfj,d bkafka - wfka weú;a fír.kakZZ hehs mjid weu;=ula § ñ fyÈhf.a ixfõ§ l;dj
orejd ;=re,a lr.;a u<isrer yuqfjhs

fï Èkj, weoyef,k wêl j¾Idj;a iuÕska Èjhsfka fndfyda m%foaYj,ska kdhhEï fukau .xÕd msgdr.e,Sï jd¾;dfjkjd' fï w;r miq.shod nÿ,a, - ß,afmd, isÿjQ kdhhEfuka Ôú; lsysmhlau ke;sjQjdfiau ta w;r isá fyÈhlf.a yd l=vd orefjl= ms<sn|j wkqfõokSh mqj;la fï jk úg jd¾;d jkjd'

weh yd jhi udi 2la muK jhie;s l=vd orefjla fuu kshhEug yiqù we;s w;r tu wjia:dfõ§ lsisfjl=f.a Woõjla fkdjQ fyhska weh úiska ish cx.u ÿrl:kfhka frday,a ld¾h uKav,h wu;d Woõ b,a,d ;sfí' ys;j;=kago ÿrl:k weu;=ï ,nd§ we;s weh mjid we;af;a zzwfka uuhs nnhs u,a,s,d fokakhs ysrfj,d bkafka"  fldfydu yß wmsj fír.kakZZ hkqfjks'

wêl j¾Idj;a" kej; kdhhEfï wjOdkula we;s njg m%ldYùu;a ksidfjka tu ia:dkhg hEug lsisÿ mqoa.,fhlag yelsù ke;s w;r thska wk;=rej kej;;a foj;djlau tu ia:dkh kdh f.dia we;' thska wk;=rej wehf.ka lsisÿ weu;=ula fkd,enq‚'

miq Èk l, fidaÈisfh§ weu;=u ,ndÿka fyÈh yd wehf.a jhi udi 2la muK jk orejdf.a u<isrer fidhd.;a w;r ish¿ fokdu ixfõ.hg m;alrñka weh ;u ì<sodj ;=re,afldg f.k ñhf.dia isáhdh'

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