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14 yeúßÈ oeßúhla iuÕ wUq -ieñ weiqrla meje;ajQ wfhl=gjev jr§

jhi wjqreÿ 14 la jk nd, jhialdr oeßúhla iuÕ wUq - ieñ weiqrla meje;ajQ nj lshk wfhl=j ,nk 08 jeksod olajd rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; lrk f,i mq;a;,u jev n,k ufyaia;%d;a wí¥,a ldo¾ uy;d ksfhda. lf<ah'

fufia rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; lrk ,oafoa l,amsáh ëjr .ïudkfha mÈxÑlrefjl= jk 33 yeúßÈ wfhl=jh' w;jrhg ,laj we;af;a l,amsáh - ëjr .ïudkfha mÈxÑj isák oeßúhls'

;uka ksjfia fkdisá wjia:djl iellre ;u Èh‚h iu. wUq - ieñ weiqrla mj;ajd we;s nj w;jrhg m;aj we;s oeßúhf.a uj l,amsáh fmd,Sishg lr we;s meñ‚,af,a ioyka fõ'iellre  yd w;jrhg m;aj we;s oeßúh w;r ld,h mgka fma%u iïnkaO;djhla ;sî we;s nj;a"tu iïnkaOfha m%;sM,hla f,i fuu w;jrh isÿù we;s nj;a l,amsáh fmd,Sish úiska wkdjrKh lrf.k we;'

w;jrhg m;aj we;s oeßúh ffjoH mÍlaIKhla iy m%;sldr ioyd l,amsáh Èid frday,g we;=<;a lr we;' l,amsáh fmd,Sisfha fmd,sia fldia;dm,a jika; uy;d úiska iellrej wêlrKh fj; bÈßm;a lrk ,È'

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