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fïkld mSßia we;=¿ msßi
fjäka tlg fmrod ? 
vdkaia l, yeá 

fma rfÜ ldf.;a ys; Èkd.;a; ckm%sh fg,skdgH ks<shla ;uhs fïkld mSßia lshkafka' ;ukaf.a ;kslv Ôúf;ag iuq§,d ojil fïkld w¨‍;a Ôú;hla mgka.;a;d' ta lshkafka weh újdy jqkd'

fïkldf.a w;.;a; jdikdjka;hd jqfka wu¾' flfydu jqk;a újdyfhka miafia ;ukaf.a rx.k Èúhg iuqfokak fïkld fï fjkfldg;a ;SrKh lr,d bjrhs'

fïkldf.a újdy W;aijhg l,d f,dalfha fndfyda msßila iyNd.S jqkd fhdjqka mrmqf¾ rx.k Ys,amSka fukau Ys,amskshka /ila wehf.a fojk ukud,shka yd ukud,hka f,i iyNd.S jqkd'

Tjqkaf.a ux., Èkhg fmr Èkl rd;%sfha  úfkdaofjñka ld,h .;lrk wmQre ùäfhdajla fï jk úg ksl=;a ù ;sfnkjd' th ksIamdokh fldg we;af;a STUDIO3000DF úiskqhs'

tu ùäfhdaj my;ska''''  ùäfhdaj

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