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fidr uq,la iu. igka lr Ôú;
fírd.;a ;reKhd frdayf,a

fidr uq,la iu. uqyqKg uqyqK ,d igka lr foudmshka yd fidhqßhkaf.a Ôú; fukau foam<o fírd .;a ;reKhl= fidr l,a,sfha msys myrlg f.dÿrej frday,a .;j m‍%;sldr ,nk nj óß.u fmd,sish lshhs'

óß.u y,afma uqykaÈrïj;af;a ksjil uj yd Èh‚hka fofokd 06od rd;‍%S rEmjdysksh n,ñka isáh§ uqyqKq wdjrKh lr.;a isõ fofkl= ksjig lvd je§ Tjqkag msys fmkajd ;¾ckh lr we;' fï jk úg ;lafiare ks,Odßhl= jk mshd yd mdi,a úfha miqfjk mq;d ksjfia ldurhl isg we;' fuu l,a,sfha tla whl= ksji we;=<g hkq ÿgq mq;d Tyqg fyd`o yeá myr § we;s wjia:dfõ tu fld,a,lref.a uqyqKq wdjrKho .e,ù ìu m;s; ù ;sfí'

mshdo mq;=f.a iydhg tlaj we;s w;r fld,a,lre fï wjia:dfõ§ mq;dg msys myr lSmhla t,a, lr we;;a tajdg uqyqKq foñka mq;d igka lr we;s w;r wi, iydfhka tla fld,a,lrejl= w,a,d .ekSug yelsù we;' fiiq idudðlhka ;sfokd fï w;r m,df.dia we;af;a Tjqkaf.a woyi uqÿkam;a lr .ekSug fkdyelsjh'

w,a,d.;a 22 yeúßÈ iellre lgqkdhl m‍%foaYfha bkaOk msrjqï y,l fiajh lrk nj lshk tlaore msfhl= njg fmd,sishg f;dr;=re ,eî we;s w;r fuu fld,a,h ie,iqï lr we;af;a fuu ksji wi, t<j¿ lvhl l,la fiajh l< whl= njg ,eî we;s f;dr;=re ms<sn`oj fmd,sish mÍlaIK mj;ajhs'

nvg yd uqyqKg msys myr je§fuka ;=jd, ,nd we;s foaYdka ixÔj 20 uy;d fï jk úg óß.u uQ,sl frday,g we;=<;a lr isà'óß.u fmd,sish mÍlaIK mj;ajhs'

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