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oeka wfma rfÜ oreKq wmrdO
wvqfj,d udOH u.ska fmkajk
wmrdO /,a,la kE - 
fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl

hqoaOh meje;s 2004 j¾Ifha 56000la muK jQ oreKq wmrdO m%udKh 2014 j¾Ifha fï jk úg 43436la olajd wvqù we;ehs ‍fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl wð;a frdayK uy;d mejiSh' Bg wu;rj hqoaOh meje;s 2004 j¾Ifha ukqIH >d;k 1288la jd¾;d ù we;s w;r 2014 Tlaf;dan¾ 31 jeks od jk úg jd¾;d ù we;af;a ukqIHh >d;k 468ls' th hqoaOh meje;s ld,fha isÿjQ ukqIHh >d;kj,ska ishhg tlish úiail wvqùula njo ta uy;d lshd isáfhah'

óg wu;rj f.j,a ì£ï iy fidrlï jeämqru jd¾;d jk wmrdO jk w;r 2009 j¾Ifha§ 18500la jQ f.j,a ì£ï iy fidrlï m%udKh 2013 j¾Ih jk úg 16000la olajd wvqù ;sfí'

‍fmd,sishg jd¾;d jQ wmrdO úi£u iïnkaOj 2009 § ;snQ 41l m%jK;djh jißka jir jeä fjñka th 2014 j¾Ih jk úg wmrdO úi£u 59 olajd jeäù we;s njo tu jeä ùu 2015 jk úg 65 olajd j¾Okh lsÍu n,d‍fmdfrd;a;=j njo fyf;u i|yka lf<ah'

2014 fkdjeïn¾ 30 jeksod jk úg u;aøjH iïnkaOj mqoa.,hska 23140 fokl= w;awvx.=jg .kakd ,o u;aøjH wêlrK Ndrfha ;sfnk fyhska u;aøjH úkdY lsÍfï ld¾hNdrh ;sfnkafka wêlrKhg njo ta uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

jirlg ia;%S ¥IK 2000la jd¾;d jk w;r bka 90la jhi wjqreÿ 16g wvq .eyekq <uqka ish fmïj;d w;ska leue;af;ka ¥IKhg ,lajk njo Tyq lshd isáfhah'

kS;s úfrdaë wdhqO Ndú;fha§ fï ld,h ;=< à 56 wdhqO 30la fidhd f.k ;sfí'

óg wu;rj fld<U wjg m%foaYhkays kS;s úfrdaë f,i m%o¾Ykh lr ;snQ ue;sjrK m%pdrl mqjre Èk folla ;=<È 80lska wvq lr we;s nj;a ue;sjrK flduidßiajrhdf.a ks¾foaY u; ta i|yd ;djld,slj lïlrejka 2010la n|jd f.k ;sfí'

úoHq;a iy uqøs;l udOH u.ska fmkajd fok wdldrfha wmrdO /,a,la rg ;=< fkdue;s nj ‍fmd,sisfha lemùu yd olaI;dj u; wmrdOhla isÿ fldg lsisjl=g;a ieÕù isáh fkdyels njo ‍fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl wð;a frdayK uy;d jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'

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