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ckm;sg - ffu;%Sg iyh m< l< NslaIQka jykafia,d w;r nyskaniaùula - Video

ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg iy ‍fmdÿ wfmalaIl ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg iydh m< lrñka w;a m;%sld fn¥ NslaIQka jykafia,d lKavdhï 2la w;r ‍fmdf<dkakrej - l÷refj, k.rfha§ Bfha ^30& nyskania ùula isÿùu fya;=fjka ‍fmd,sia ler,s u¾ok tallh le|jd ;snq‚'

‍fmdÿ wfmalaIl ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg iydh m< l< NslaIQka jykafia,d lKavdhu m<uqj ‍fmdf<dkakrefõ isg lÿrefj, k.rhg .uka .;a w;r tu ud¾.fhau fojkqj ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg iydh m< lrk NslaIQka jykafia,d msßi .uka .;ay'

l÷refj, k.rfha§ fomsßiu uqK .eiqKq miq nyskania ùu isÿúh' th .egqula olajd j¾Okh ùu k;r lsÍug ‍fmdf<dkakrej uQ,ia:dk ‍fmd,sisfha ks,Odßyq W;aidy .;ay'

Bfha oyj,a 12'00 isg 2'30 muK olajd fomsßi w;r nysiania ùu isÿúh' tu ia:dkhg ksfhdacH wud;H isßmd, .ï,;a uy;do meñ‚fhah'lKavdhï foflysu NslaIQka jykafia,d 100lg wdikak msßila isáhy'miqj fomsßiu úisr .shy'

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