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wdÉÑg yd,a.rk l;dj

fmf¾od .d,af,a mej;s ckm;s wfmlaIl uyskao rdcmlaI iyNd.SjQ /<shg fláÿr Odjk Y+ß iqika;sld chisxyo tlafjñka l;djla meje;ajqjd'
weh wef.a l;dfõ§ l=vq ldrhska t;fkda,a ldrhka rch we;=<g wrka ;sîu .ek úmlaIfhka lrk fpdaokdjg ms<s;=rla iemhqjd' weh ta .ek lshd isáfha 


ziuyr Woúh fu;=udg fpdaokd lrkjd fï t;fkda,a ldrfhd weú,a,¨''fï

l=vq ldrfhd weú,a,¨''nqlS ldrfhd weú,a,¨''m%dfoaYSh uÜgñka m<d;a iNd uÜgñka ljqo tf.d,a,kag Pkafo ÿka''fka'''@ ^ck;dj lE.ihs&

tfyu m;alrmq Woúh ;uhs fu;=udf.a kdhl;ajhg fu;=ud fï rg md,kh lrk Yla;su;aNdjhg idOdrK;ajhg yefudau tydg fuydg mkskafk''ug lshkak ;sfhkafk'''
iudfjkak wfma wd.ñl kdhlhsks'''fï úÈyg w; ckdêm;s;=ud lghq;= lrd kï wdÉÑg yd,a .r,d ;sfhhs'''' lsh,hsZ

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