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Wodßf.a .Eia wÈkafka iqrdÊÆ ^video&

;ukaf.a f.j,a <. .EKQ <uhs bkakjdkï ta f.j,a me;af;a bkak fld,af,da fldfydu;a ta .ek fjkog jvd ie,ls,su;a fjkjfka' fudlo neßfj,d yß Th f.or bkak .EKQ <ufhlag fudllayß lrorhla jqfkd;a" tfyu;a ke;akï Woõjla ´ks jqfkd;a fomdrla fkdys;d ;uhs Woõ lrkak hkafka'

Th úÈhg wms ldf.;a ys; Èkd.;a; olaI k¿ ks<sfhda fokafkl=;a fï <.§ ojil b|ka iómhg weú;a'

ta lshkafka fï fokakd oeka bkak f.j,a fol ;sfhkafka fmdä ÿrlskaÆ' fï úÈhg bkakfldg b;sx Th lshk ks<shg fmdä .Eia m%Yakhla weú;a'

tl mdrla fomdrla fkfjhs f.dvla ojiaj, f.or .Eia bjrjqk .uka fuhd wr k¿jg l;d lrkjÆ'

k¿j;a b;ska fld,atl ÿkakq .uka lfâg .syska .Eia tlla f.k;a fokjÆ' fï .ek wmsg wykak ,enqfKa i;sfha úldYh jqkq ysre àù Copy Chat jevigyfka§' wms lSj ks<sh ;uhs WodÍ j¾Kl=,iQßh' thdf.a f.j,a <.u bkak k¿jd ;uhs iqrdÊ udmd' iqrdÊ kï lshkafka WodÍ thd,f.a f.j,a <.g wdfõ fï <.§ lsh,d'

fldfydu yß fï .Eia l;dj .ek yß wmQre úÈhg jevigyfka§ Wodß iqrdÊ tlal tl;=fj,d lSjd' ta wjia:dfõ iïmQ¾K ùäfhdaj my;ska krUkak''

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