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iqks,a fmf¾rd foaYmd,khg
i,a,s ;sfhkjdkï wo ksjka hkak;a mq¿jka

fudloao fï rfÜ foaYmd,”lrKh fj,d ke;af;a.. yeufohlau fï rfÜ foaYmd,”lrKh fj,d.. udOH we;=¿ iEu foalgu foaYmd,kh weÛ, ish,a,u lsÆgq ù we;ehs iqks,a fmf¾rd uy;d mjikjd. nqÿka jykafia Wfoa yjd j¢k rfÜ lsisu idrO¾ula fkdue;s njo Tyq i|yka lrkjd.

iEu uka;%Sjrfhlau f,dl= f.j,a idod ;sfnkjdkï th md¾,sfïka;= mäfhka fkdjk nj o .dhk Ys,amS iqks,a fmf¾rd uy;d ks¾Nhj m%ldY lrhs. Tjqkaf.a ish¿ j;alï fmkajk f,i Tyq wNsfhda. lr we;.

iqks,af.a fmf¾rd uy;df.a tu foaYmd,k ùäfhdaj my;ska..

coppy frome internet

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