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wfma rfÜ fmd,sia uy;ajre (Video)

ñksiqkaf.a kS;sh" iduh" wdrlaIdj" rlskak m;alr isákafka fujka fmd<sia ks,OdÍkao hkak Tng;a fuu ùäfhdaj keröfuka jegyS hdú'

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mdkÿr fldÜGdi r:jdyk wxYfha ks,Odßhl= bx.sßfha § r:jdyk kvqjla .ksoa§ ;%Sfrdao r:hl .sh mqoa.,hl=g neK jeÿfkah'whq;slsh widOdrKh rclrk hq.hl Tn;a fuu isÿùu wkqu; lrkjdo keoao hkak Tfí u;hhs' ñksiqka u; l=ula fyda jrola mgjd Widú oeófuka fuu f,dlalka n,dfmdfrd;a;=jkafka ;re by< od.ekSuo @

tu ùãfhdaj my;ska'''

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