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wkshï fmï ynh ÿrÈ. f.dia‌
.=rejrhdf.a >d;khg úÿy,am;s w;awvx.=jg

wkshï iïnkaO;djla‌ uq,alrf.k we;s jQ wdrjq,la‌ u; fõhkaf.dv idka; ußhd úoHd,fha .=rejrhl=g myr § >d;kh l< nj lshk isoaêhla‌ iïnkaOfhka ud;,dk lksIaG úoHd,fha úÿy,am;sjrhd ksÜ‌gUqj fmd,sish u.ska Bfha ^16 jeksod& w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

-size: 15px; line-height: 16px;">fuys§ >d;khg ,la‌j we;af;a Ydka; ußhd úÿyf,a fiajh lrñka isá lms,rd- mSßia‌ kue;s .=rejrhd nj fmd,sish mjihs'

fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍IKj,§ fy<sù we;s wkaoug >d;khg ,la‌jQ .=rejrhd ielldr úÿy,am;sjrhdf.a ìß| iu. ld,hl isg iïnkaO;djla‌ mj;ajdf.k f.dia‌ we;'

fmf¾od iji >d;khg ,la‌jQ .=rejrhd ielldr úÿy,am;s

f.a ksjig meñK ;sfí' ta wjia‌:dfõ úÿy,am;sjrhd ksjfia isg ke;'
meh lSmhlg miq ielldr úÿy,am;sjrhd ksjig toa§ ish ìß| iu. isák .=rejrhd oel we;'

tys§ fldamhg m;a jQ úÿy,am;sjrhd .=rejrhdg myr § ;sfí' fofokd w;r .egqula‌ yg.;a w;r Tjqka fofokd ksjiska msg;g o meñK .=á neg yqjudre lrf.k we;'
miqj Tjqka fofokdu wi, ;snQ we<lg jeà ;sfí' ta wjia‌:dfõ .=rejrhd ñhf.dia‌ we;s nj fmd,sish mjihs'
fuu isoaêfhka miq ksÜ‌gUqj fmd,sishg meñK ielldr úÿy,am;sjrhd fï ms<sn|j fmd,sishg meñKs,a,la‌ o lr ;sfí'
isoaêh iïnkaOfhka mÍla‍IK meje;ajQ ksÜ‌gUqj uQ,ia‌:dk m%Odk fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍Il m%§ma ùrfialr uy;d ielldr úÿy,am;sjrhd w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

fuys§ >d;khg ,la‌jQ .=rejrhd 48 yeúßÈ úfha miq jQ tla‌ore msfhls' ielldr úÿy,am;sjrhd 46 yeúßÈ foore mshl= nj fmd,sish mjihs'
ksÜ‌gUqj fmd,sish jeäÿr mÍla‍IK mj;ajdf.k hhs'

fyauka; rkaÿKq iy isßfujka m;srK

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