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w;=re.sßh .=jka wk;=r isÿjQ whqre - ùäfhda iys;hs
fin¿ka 4la ureg

Èú .,jd.;a fin<df.a fomd yd w;la lm,d 

óÿu jeä ksid .uka u`. wmeyeÈ,s jqkdÆ 

ñksiaiq j<x j,g j;=r f.k;a .eyqjd 

tlaflfkla n| lv,d t<shg .;a;d

lgqkdhl isg r;au,dk olajd mshdir lrñka ;snQ Y%s ,xld .=jka yuqodjg wh;a wekagfkdaõ 32 j¾.fha .=jka hdkhla Bfha ^12& WoEik fydalkaor" fydrfyak m%foaYhg lvd jegqKd'.=jka .; ù úkdä lsysmhlg miq .=jka kshuqjka md,l ueÈßhg oekqï § we;af;a wêl óÿï ;;a;ajh fya;=fjka hdkfha .uka u`. wmeyeÈ,s njhs' .=jka yuqod m%Odk udKav,sl ks,OdÍ thd¾ jhsia ud¾I,a ..ka nq,;aisxy, uy;d m%ldY lf<a bka iq¿ fõ,djlg miq hdkh iu`. ;snq in|;d ì| jegqKq njhs'

fuf,i in|;d ìo jegqKq .=jka hdkh WoEik 6'20 g muK fydalkaor" fydrfyak m%foaYfha rn¾ j;a;lg lvd jeà ;sfnkjd' 

isoaêh weiska ÿgqjkaf.a is÷ùu úia;r l, whqre'''

zzmaf,aka tl md;a lrkjd ioafoa weyqKd' Bg miafia ov nvdia .d,d fï jyf,a jeÈ,d w;kska tydg .sks f.dvla .sfha'zz

zz.fï ñksiaiq j<xj,g" ;sfhk ;sfhk Ndckj,g j;=r f.k,a,d ksjqjd' ksjd .kak nerej .shd' Bg miafia lfâl ;sín .Eia tlla f.k,a,d ;uhs hka;ï ksjd .;af;a' zz

zz*a,hsÜ tfla n| fmdâvla fïjd fj,d ;sífí' Bg miafia n| lv,d thdj .;a;d' thdg ta fjkfldg idudkHfhka mK ;snqKd' zz

hdkh lvd jeàu;a iu`. we;sjQ .skak uevmeje;aùu i|yd m%foaYjdiSka uy;a mßY%uhla ord we;s w;r miqj .skak ksjd oeóug yelsjQfha .sks ksjk yuqodfõ iyho we;sjhs' fuu wk;=frka oeä ms<siaiqï ;=jd, ,enQ tla wfhl= chj¾Okmqr frday,g we;=,;a lsÍfuka miq jeäÿr m%;sldr ioyd cd;sl frday,g udre lr hjd ;sfnkjd'

miqj jd¾;djQ wdldrhg ie;alulska Tyqf.a fomd yd w;la bj;a lr we;s njg i|yka jqkd' tfukau fuu wk;=frka hdkfha .uka .;a fin¿ka 4fofkla Ôú;laIhg m;ajqkd'

fï ms<sn| iïmQ¾K ùäfhdaj my;ska''''

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