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f,dal fj<| fmdf<a fndrf;,a ner,hl ñ, fvd,¾70 lg jvd my< hdu yuqfõ wo isg fmg%,a yd ãi,a ,Sgrhl ñ, remsh,a 07 lskao NQñf;,a ,Sgrhl ñ, remsh,a 05lskao wvq lsÍug rch ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

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fï jkúg" f,dal fj<| fmdf<a ;sfnk Lksc f;,a f;d.h b;du;a by< nj;a jd¾;d jk w;r fi!È wdrdìh mjid ;sfnkafka f,dal fj<| fmd<g imhk fndrf;,a m%udKh wvq fkdlrk njhs' Tfmla ixúOdkhg wh;a rgj,a 12 w;=ßka jeäu Lksc f;,a iemhqula lrk rg jkafka fi!È wrdìhhs'

jd¾;d jk wdldrhg f,dal fj<| fmdf<a Lksc f;,a ñ, .Kka úYd, f,i wvqùug uqyqK§ug úi÷ï fiùfï§ Lksc f;,a wmkhkh lrk rgj,a folg fn§ ;sfí'

tkï" fjksishq,dj iy brdlh f,dal fj<| fmd<g imhk Lksc f;,a m%udKh wvq lroa§ we;eï rgj,a iemhqu wvq fkdlsßuhs'

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