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ud,lg jeäÿr m%;sldr i|yd
úfoaY .;ùug wjir

wud;H u¾úka is,ajd uy;df.a mq;a ufkdaÊ ud,l is,ajd hk whg jeäÿr m%;sldr ,nd .ekSu i|yd úfoaY.;ùug fld<U w;sf¾l ufyia;%d;a fudfyduâ iyí§ka uy;d Bfha ^04& wjir ,nd ÿkafkah'

kyfha we;sjQ ;=jd, iïnkaOfhka úfoaY.;ù jeäÿr m%;sldr ,nd.ekSug wjYHj we;s nj kS;s{ wfia, /lj uy;d fudaiula u.ska wêlrKfhka l< b,a,Sï i,ld neÆ ufyia;%d;ajrhd tf,i wjir ,nd ÿkafkah'

ta wkqj foieïn¾ ui 19 jeksod ud,l is,ajd iïnkaOfhka wêlrKfha meje;afjk kvq úNd.h i|yd iellre fjkqfjka kS;s{ wfia, /lj uy;dg wêlrKfha fmkS isák f,ig fuys§ kshu úh'

nïn,msáh vqma,sflaIka mdf¾ msysá rd;%S iudc Yd,djl§ úfoaYSh hqj<lg myr§fï isoaêhg wod<j rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.;j isá ufkdaÊ ud,l is,ajd remsh,a ,laI 10l YÍr wem folla iy remsh,a 50"000l uqo,a wemhla u; wêlrKh u.ska uqodyßkq ,enqfõ bl=;a 28 jeksodh'

tu isoaêfhka ;u fiajdodhlhdg isÿjQ ;=jd, ;ju;a iqjfkdù we;s neúka ta i|yd úfoaY.;j m%;sldr ,nd .; hq;= nj fuys§ kS;s{jrhd ish fudaifuka b,a,Sula lr ;sì‚'

ta wkqj ielldr ufkdaÊ ud,l is,ajdg úfoaY.;j m%;sldr ,nd .ekSu i|yd tf,i wjir ,enq‚'

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