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jdyk wdodhï n,m;% .dia‌;=jf.ùu" fl%äÜ‌ ldâm;ska fydacx.u ÿrl:kfhka

jdyk wdodhï n,m;%h ,nd .ekSfï§ tu uqo,a f.ùï m<uq jrg fl%äÜ‌ ldâ iy cx.u ÿrl:kh Tia‌fia isÿ lsÍug myiqlï ie,fia'

fuu fiajdj ol=Kq m<df;ka wdrïN lrk nj Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dla‍IK ksfhdað;dh;kh ^ICTA& mjihs' jdyk wdodhï n,m;%h wka;¾cd,h Tia‌fia ,nd .ekSfï myiqluo fï iu.u ol=Kq m<d;g y÷kajd §ug kshñ;h'

fuu m<df;a ,shdmÈxÑ jdyk ysñlrefjl=g ish jdyk wdodhï n, m;%h m<df;a ´kEu m%dfoaYSh f,alï ld¾hd,hlska ,nd .ekSfï myiqlu fï jk úg ,eî ;sfnk w;r fuu kj myiqlu y÷kajd§u;a iu.u m%dfoaYSh f,alï ld¾hd, fj; meñK wdodhï n,m;%h ,nd .ekSfï§;a by; i|yka l%ufõo Tia‌fia uqo,a f.ùï lsÍug yelsùu úfYaI;ajhla‌ njo tu ksfhdað;dh;kh mjihs'

wka;¾cd,h Tia‌fia fuu fiajdj ,nd§u nia‌kdysr m<df;ka m%:ufhka wdrïN flreKq w;r tys id¾:l;ajh u; fuh ol=Kq m<d;g o y÷kajd§ug mshjr .;a nj ksfhdað;dh;kh mjihs' fuu 2014 jif¾§ fï jk úg nia‌kdysr m<d; ;=< wka;¾cd,h Tia‌fia jdyk wdodhï n,m;% ñ,shkhla‌ muK ksl=;a lr ;sfí' wka;¾cd,h Tia‌fia www.srila‌nka iy fjí wvúj,g msúiSfuka fuu myiqlu ,nd .ekSug yelsfõ' .d,a, ,nq¥j ola‍IsKmdh wud;HdxY ixlS¾Kfha§ wo ^2 od& fuh l%shd;aul lsÍug kshñ;h'

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