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.=jka hdkfha u< isrere yuqfjhs (video)

thd¾ taIshd .=jka fiajhg wh;a w;=reoyka jq .=jka hdkfha iqkanqka fldgia lsysmhla iy u< isrere 40la yuqù ;sfí'

fnd¾ksfhda ÿm; wY%s; uqyqfoa mdfjka ;sî wod< u< isrere iy .=jka hdkd iqkanqka fldgia yuq ù we;s nj úfoaY jd¾;d fmkajd fohs' 

tfukau .=jka hdkfha úh yels njg iel lrk yÈis fodrgqjla" Ôú; wdrlaIl lnd lsysmhla fidhdf.k we;s njo tu udOH fmkajd fohs'

bkaÿksishdfõ isg isx.mamQrej n,d mshdir lrñka ;sìh § tu hdkh 28 jk Èk w;=reoka ù ;snqKs' 

fuf,i w;=reokaj jqfKa QZ 8501 kue;s hdkdjla nj i|yka jqKs' 

w;=reokajk wjia:dj jk úg tu hdkdj u.Ska 162 fofkl= isg we;s nj jd¾;d úh' 

bkaÿkSishdfõ" iqrdnhd kqjr isg .uka wdrïN l< tu .=jka hdkh cl¾;d .=jka md,k uOHia:dkh iu. ;snq in|;d tÈk fmrjre 7'24g k;r ù we;s nj thd¾ taIShd .=jka iud.u ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka i|yka lrk ,§' 


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