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weu;s ishU,dmsáh;a uyskao yer hhs @

uykqjr§ wo meje;afjk úmlaIfha fmdÿ wfmalaIl ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg iydh m,lsÍfï m%pdrl ‍/<shg wud;H rxð;a ishU,dmsáh tlaùug fndfyda ÿrg bv we;ehs foaYmd,k wdrxÑ ud¾.j,ska jd¾;d fõ'

ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d Bfha ^04& i|yka lr ;snqfKa wo uykqjr ‍/<sfha fõÈldj u; ysia mq‍gq y;rla ;eîug lghq;= lrk nj;a tajdfha úmlaIhg wdKavqfjka w¨‍;ska tlajk isjqfofkla wiqka .kakd nj;ah'ishU,dmsáh uy;d wdKavqj yer hdug m%Odk fya;=j ù we;af;a Tyqg fg,sfldï wdh;kg fiajlhka 60la we;=,;a lsÍug ,enqKq wjia:dfjka m;aùï 40la miqj kdu,a rdcmlaI uka;%Sjrhdg ,nd§ug isÿùu njgo rdjhla ;sfí'

ta ms,sn|jo Tyq ckdêm;sjrhdg ish wm%idoh m,lr we;s njo mejfia'

rkað;a ishU,dmsáh uy;d jljdkqj ;=, wdKavqfõ l%shdldrlï ms<sn|j wm%idofhka woyia m< lr ;snQ w;r Tyq ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkaøsld l=udr;=x.f.a ióm;uhl=o fõ'

 fï w;r tiaî kdúkak" Ôjka l=udr;=x." wp, cdf.dv ^cdksfm& wo ffu;%s ms<g tla ùug kshñ;j foaYmd,k wdrxÑ ud¾.j,ska jd¾;d fõ'

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