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Messages to Say Happy New Year 2015

1. A wshful way to greet people as the New Year begins. Slowly and steadily Year 2014 is creating space for year 2015 to step in. People are ready to cherish the memories of 2014, learn from their mistakes and make resolutions of not repeating them in the coming year. Happy New Year! 

2. You have so improved my life that as we enter a New Year, I wish you a return on all the love you have shown me. Happy New Year!
3. Leave behind the demons of the past and look forward to a brand new start in 2015. Happy New Year!
4. Counting my blessings, wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New Year in store. Have a joyous New Year, my dear friend. Happy New Year!
5. New day, new year, new beginning. Old friends, old times, old relations.Happy New Year!
6. A new year is like a blank book. The pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year!

7. As you turn a new leaf in your Book of Life with the advent of New Year, here is wishing you addition of meaningful chapters. Happy New Year!
 8. Out with the old, in with the new, may you be happy the whole year through. Happy New Year!
9. Another year has passed, another year has come. I wish for you, that with every year you touch all your dreams. May God pour love and care on you, Happy New Year!
 10. No one can go back in time to change what has happened. So work on your present to make yourself a wonderful future. Happy New Year!

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