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fkdñfkaIka § hk w;r uyskao ffu;%Sf.a
msgg ;Ügqjla ±uQ yeá (Video)

wo oyj,a ue;sjrK uyf,alï ld¾hd,fha§ kdufhdackd Ndr§fuka wk;=rej úisr hk wjia:dfõ§ ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI msgj hoa§ ysgmq uyf,alï ffu;%smd, isßfiak fj;o f.dia hk nj lshd .shd'
fï wjia:dfõ È.= l,la iómj isá ysgmq uyf,alï ffu;%smd, 

isßfiak fmdÿ wfmalaIlhd bÈßfha 
uyskao fmkS isá úg ffu;%smd, iskdù wdhqfndajka lS w;r ckm;s Tyq wi<g f.dia msgg ;Ügqjla ±ïud' 

ffu;%Smd, iu. ksu,a isßmd, weu;sjrhdo w;g w; ÿkakd'

uyskao ffu;%S iu. lsishï fohla iqyoj l:d l< w;r ta wi< isá úfÊodi rdcmlaI kS;S{jrhdgo hula meyeÈ,s lr iskdù msgj .shd'
fuu wjia:dfõ ùäfhdaj my;ska

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