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ufya,f.a ÈhKshf.a m<uq WmkaÈkh

l%slÜ l%Svl ufya, chj¾Ok ish ÈhKshf.a 1 jk WmkaÈkh Bfha ieurejd' ikaid wd¾hd kue;s wehf.a Wm; ksid ufya,g fgiaÜ l%slÜ Èúfhka iuq.kakg blauka jQ w;r weh fjkqfjka ld,h .;lsÍu wjYH nj ta Èkj, lshd ;snqKd'
ufya,f.a oshKshg
zikaid wd¾hdZ hkqfjka ku ;nd we;af;a

l%siaákd wdidfjka krUk fg,s Ñ;%mghla jQ f.aï T*a f;%dakays pß; folla tl;= lrñks'

ufya,;a l%siaákd;a ÈhKshf.a WmkaÈkh fjkqfjka WmkaÈk flala tlla lmk fuu PdhdrEmh Tyq wka;¾cd,fha m<lr ;snqKs'WmkaÈkh fjkqfjka ÈhKshg ;j;a flala f.ähla lmkakg kshñ;j ;snqK w;r tys ,xldfõ yd fvkaud¾lfha fldä iúlr ;snqKs'

ufya,f.a ìßh l%siaákd isßfiakf.a mshd ,xldfõ jqj;a uj fvkaud¾l cd;sl ldka;djls'
my; m<jkafka Wmka osk ieurefï tla PdhdrEmhla yd ufya, ÈhKsh iu. ld,h .;lrk w;r;=r ,nd.;a ;j;a PdhdrEm lsysmhls'

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