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ó<. ckdêm;s ùug 19 fofkla‌ wo kï fo;s'''

2015 jif¾ ckjdß ui 08 jeksod furg mj;ajk y;ajeks ckdêm;sjrKh i|yd ;r. lrk wfmala‍Ilhka oykjfokd ^19& kdufhdackd m;% ndr§u ^wo ^08 jeksod& fmrjre 10'00 isg fmrjre 11'00 ola‌jd ue;sjrK flduidßia‌jrhd bÈßfha isÿlsÍug kshñ;h'

rdc.sßh ue;sjrK uyf,alï ld¾hd,fha§ ue;sjrK flduidßia‌ uyskao foaYm%sh uy;d bÈßfha ckdêm;sjrKhg kdufhdackd Ndrfok wfmala‍Ilhka fufiah'

n;a;ruq,af,a iS,r;k ysñ ^ckfi; fmruqK& tï' î" keñKsuq,a, uy;d ^Tla‌ldu jeisfhda Tla‌fldu rcjre ixúOdkh&" mdks úfþisßj¾Ok uy;d ^iudcjd§ iudk;d mla‍Ih&" isß;=x. chiQßh uy;d ^tla‌i;a iudcjd§ mla‍Ih&" rdcmla‍I m¾is ufyakao% uy;d ^tla‌i;a ck;d ksoyia‌ ikaOdkh&" chka; l=,;=x. uy;d ^tla‌i;a ,xld uyd iNd mla‍Ih&" úu,a .S.kf.a uy;d ^Y%S ,xld cd;sl fmruqK&" m,af,a j;af;a .urd,,df.a ffu;%Smd, hdmd isßfiak ^kj m%cd;ka;%jd§ fmruqK&" whs' tï' b,aa,shdia‌ uy;d ^ia‌jdëk& bn%dysï ksia‌;d¾ fudfyduâ ñ*a,d¾ uy;d ^tla‌i;a idu fmruqK&" fmd,a.ïm, rd,,df.


pñkao wkqreoaO fmd,a.ïm, uy;d ^ia‌jdëk&" ÿñkao kd.uqj uy;d ^fmrgq.dó iudcjd§ mla‍Ih& ta' tia‌' mS' ,shkf.a uy;d ^Y%S ,xld lïlre mla‍Ih&" iqkaorï ufyakao%ka uy;d ^kj iuiudc mla‍Ih&" lgq.ïm, wmamqydñ,df.a m%ikak m%shxlr uy;d ^m%cd;ka;%jd§ cd;sl jHdmdrh&" rdcmla‍I wdrÉÑ,df.a kdu,a wð;a rdcmla‍I uy;d ^wfma cd;sl fmruqK&" r;akdhl wdrÉÑf.a isßfiak ^foaYfma%ó cd;sl fmruqK&" ir;a ukfïkao% uy;d ^kj isy< Wreuh&" rejka;s,l fmaÿre wdrÉÑ uy;d ^tla‌i;a ,xld fmdÿck mla‍Ih&

ckdêm;sjrKhg ;r. lsÍug wfmala‍Ilhka oykjfokl= ^19& wem uqo,a ;ekam;a lr we;s w;r ms<s.;a foaYmd,k mla‍I odyy;lska iy ia‌jdëk fofokl= o ta w;r jk nj ue;sjrK uy f,alï ld¾hd,h mjihs'

ckdêm;sjrK kdufhdackd Ndr .ekSfuka wk;=rej ue;sjrK flduidßia‌ uyskao foaYm%sh uy;d ms<s.;a wfmala‍Ilhka ms<sn| m%ldYhla‌ lsÍug kshñ;h'

kdu fhdackd Ndrfok wo Èkfha rdc.sßh yd ta wjg m%foaYj, úfYaI wdrla‍Il jevms<sfj<la‌ fh§ug fmd,sish mshjr f.k we;' kdufhdackd Ndr .ekSfuka miq wfmala‍Ilhka ms<sn| úfrdaO;d ;sfí kï tu úfrdaO;d m< lsÍu i|yd fmrjre 9'00 isg 11'30 ola‌jd ld,h ,nd§ we;'

kdufhdackd ndr.kakd wo fld<U ud¾. lsysmhla‌ ;djld,slj jid oeóug r: jdyk fmd,sish ;SrKh lr we;'

kdufhdackd Ndr.kakd wjia‌:dfõ§ ue;sjrK ld¾hd,h fyda ta wjg m%foaYj, fm<md,s heu" ck;dj tla‌ /ia‌lsÍu fmd,sish ;ykï lr we;s w;r ue;sjrK uy f,alï ld¾hd,h wjg m%foaYj, nek¾" fmdaia‌g¾ yd lgjqÜ‌ bj;a lrk f,i o ue;sjrK flduidßia‌jrhd fmd,sishg okajd ;sfí'

rks,a O¾ufiak Ysrdka rKisxy

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