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i;s ;=kla ;=< jHdc jfí .sKqï 5000la'''

ckdêm;sjrKh m‍%ldYhg m;alsÍu;a iu. f.ù .sh i;s 3l ld,h ;=< ixúOdkd;aulj tla;rd msßila úiska úfoaYj, isg fufyhjkq ,nk jerÈ foaYmd,k f;dr;=re m<lrk fjí wvú yd iudc cd, jHdc .sKqï 5000lg jeä ixLHdjla ks¾udKh lr we;s njg f;dr;=re fy<s ù ;sfí'

fuh furg b;sydifha ikaksfõok yd f;dr;=re ;dlaIKsl lafIa;‍%fha we;sù ;sfnk ‘widudkH m‍%jK;djla’ nj;a mj;sk foaYmd,k jd;djrKh fya;=fjka fïjd ìysù we;s nj;a Y‍%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK ksfhdað;dh;kfha wOHlaI w;=, mqIaml=udr uy;d mejeiS h'

f*ianqla jeks iudc cd, ;=< tla mqoa.,hl= fufyhjk jHdc .sKqï 200-300la muK mj;sk njg o f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK ksfhdað;dh;kh iy Y‍%S ,xld yÈis m‍%;spdr ixioh wdÈ furg n,h,;a ;dlaIKsl wdh;k lsysmhla taldnoaOj l< iólaIKhlska fuu f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lrf.k we;'

ta wkqj jHdc fjí wvú 1500la muK jk nj;a fiiq ish,a,u f*ianqla" Üúg¾ jeks iudc cd, .sKqï"

fjí msgq wdÈh nj;a tu wdh;k fmkajd fohs'

mj;sk foaYmd,k jd;djrKhg iïnkaO mokula ke;s m‍%jD;a;s" jHdc f;dr;=re" mqoa.,hkag isÿlrk wmydid;aul fpdaokd" iodpdr úfrdaë ls‍%hd fukau mokï úrys;

foaYmd,k u;jdo wdÈh fuu jHdc fjí wvú yd iudc cd, .sKqï u.ska m<lrk njg o iólaIKfha§ fy<s ù ;sfí'

fuu jHdc iudc cd, .sKqï ms<sn| f*ianqla wdh;kh oekqj;a lr we;s w;r" fï ms<sn| fï Èkj, meñKs,s .Kkdjla Èkm;d ,efnk nj o w;=, mqIaml=udr uy;d i|yka lf<a h'

jerÈ foaYmd,k f;dr;=re m<lrk wmydid;aul jHdc fjí wvú fufyhjkq ,nkafka úfoaYj, isg jk w;r" tu fjí wvú i|yd úfoaYj, ;dlaIKsl yd uQ,H wdOdr ,efnk njg o fy<sù we;'

we;eï fjí wvú ‘foaYmd,k ´mdÿm’ muKla m‍%pdrh lrk tajd jk w;r" we;eï tajd Èklg tla whl= fyda meñK fkdue;s ;rug m‍%isoaO fkdjQ tfy;a ;dlaIKsl WmC%u u.ska fijqï hka;‍%j, m‍%uqL;ajh ,nd§ we;s tajd njg o mejfia'

,xldfõ mlaI úmlaI ue;s weue;sjreka mlaI udrelrk njg" uqo,a .súi.kakd njg mokula rys;" jerÈ f;dr;=re m<lrk we;eï fjí wvú" furg wêlrKh u.ska jfrka;= ksl=;a lr isák furg wdrlaIl wxYhg w;HjYH mqoa.,hka ì‍%;dkHh wdÈ rgj, isg fufyhjk njg;a wkdjrKh ù we;ehs Y‍%S ,xld yÈis m‍%;spdr ixiofha fufyhqï l<ukdlre frdayK m,a,sh.=ref.a uy;d m‍%ldY lf<a h'

flfiafj;;a fuu fjí wvú wjysr lsÍug fyda jdrKhg ,lalsÍu fkdlrk f,ig rch okajd we;s neúka ta lsisÿ fjí wvúhla fyda .sKqula wjysr fkdlrk nj tu wdh;k fmkajd fohs'

kuq;a ´kEu whl=g mj;sk wka;¾cd,h iïnkaO ´kEu .eg¨jla iïnkaOfhka wjYH läkï mshjr .ekSu i|yd 011691692 hk wxlhg fyda cert@gov'lk hk úoHq;a ,smskhg B-fï,a Tiafia meñKs,s lrk f,i Y‍%S ,xld yÈis m‍%;spdr ixioh wjOdrKh lf<a h'

m‍%fndaOd fyÜáwdrÉÑ

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