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ið;ag uv.eiSug uv fmd;lau .yhs
uv fmd;a f;d.h fmd,sisfha 

tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha ksfhdacH kdhl ið;a fma%uodi uy;dg tfrysj tu mlaIfha kñka jHdc fmd;la uqøKh l< nj lshk mkaksmsáfha uqøKd,hla" iyldr ue;sjrK flduidß iyh we;sj jg,d fmd;a f;d.hla fmd,sia ndrhg f.k ;sfí'

mkaksmsáh m%foaYfha uqøKd,hl ysñlrefjla fuf,i w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s w;r iellreg fmd,sia wem ,nd§ we;s nj fmd,sia udOH tallh lSfõh' 

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