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*hsi¾ uqia;dmd úmlaIhg

;dlaIK yd m¾fhaIK ksfhdacH wud;H *hsi¾ uqia;dmd uy;d wdKavqfjka bj;aùug ;SrKh lr we;ehs foaYmd,k wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs' b;=la od fndÿ n, fiakd ixúOdkfha uyf,alï .,f.dvw;af;a {dkidr ysñhka úiska l< wNsfhd.hlg m%;spdr olajñka uqia;dmd uy;d fuu ;SrKh f.k we;s nj mejfia'

ckdêm;sjrKfhaÈ uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg fldkafoais úrys;j iyh olajk nj {dkidr ysñhka miq.shod mjid ;snQ w;r" fndÿn, fiakdj wdKavqjg iyh olajkafka kï bj;a jk nj lS ;dlaIK yd m¾fhaIK ksfhdacH wud;H *hsi¾ uqia;dmd uy;dg yelskï ish wud;H OQrfhka b,a,d wiaù úmlaIhg tlaù fmkajk f,i  wNsfhda.hlao lf<ah'

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