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fld<U lgwjqÜ ksid mqrm;s fkdljqÜ fjhs o @

fld<U k.rfha we;s kS;s úfrdaë ue;sjrK m%pdrl oekaùï bj;a fkdlrkafka kï fld<U uy k.r iNdjg tfrysj kvq mjrk nj Y%S ,xld kS;s{ ix.uh fld<U mqrm;s ta'f–'tï'uqiaiïñ,a uy;dg tka;rdjdishla fhduq lr ;sfí'

ue;sjrK flduidßiajrhdo fld<U mqrm;sg ksfhda.hla u.ska kS;súfrdaë ue;sjrK m%pdrl mqjre bj;alrk f,i oekqï § we;;a fï olajd fld<U k.r iNdj ta ms<snoj mshjrla f.k ke;s nj lef* ixúOdkh lshd isà'fld<U uy kr. iNd iSudj ;=< fï jk úg kS;s úfrdaë ue;sjrK mqjre 2400 la muK mj;sk nj lef* ixúOdkh lshd isà'

ckdêm;sjrKh m%ldYhg m;aùfuka miqj foieïn¾ 4 jeksod fmrjre 6'00 olajd ld,h ;=, lef* ixúOdkh fj; ue;sjrK meñ‚,s 29 la ,eî we;ehso tu ixúOdkh i|yka lrhs'
bka meñ‚,s 12 la ue;sjrK m%pKavl%shd iïnkaOfhka nj;a" uykqjr" mq;a;," l¿;r" l=reKE.," fmdf<dkakrej" wkqrdOmqr" .ïmy Èia;%slalj,ska tu m%pKavl%shd jd¾;d we;s njo mejfia'
rdcH foam, wh:d mßyrKh ms<sno meñ‚,s 14 la fld<U" .ïmy" yïnkaf;dg" lE.,a," l=reKE., Èia;%slalj,ska jd¾;d ù we;ehs o lef* i|yka lr we;'
Y%S ,xld kS;s{ ix.uh fld<U mqrm;s ta'f–'tï'uqiaiïñ,a uy;dg hejQ tka;rjdish yd lef* ixúOdkfha udOH ksfõokh my; oelafõ'

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