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uyskaof.a iafÜÊ k.skak
i,auka ldka cela,ska we;=¿ msßi ,xldjg

wo WoEik lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqm<g imeñKs 9W256 fcÜ thd¾fõia hdkfhka i,auka ldka"cela,ska *¾äkekaâia we;=¿ fnd,sjqâ k¿ ks<s msßila ,xldfõ úfYaI ixpdrhla i|yd meñKshd'
ks,a n,ldfha werhqfuka fuys meñK we;s nj lshk Tjqka ckm;sjrK m%pdrKfha 

wjika iufha uyskao rdcmlaI Èkùfï ue;sjrK m%pdrl fõÈldj,g ke.Sug;a tys§ .S; .dhkd lrñka iNdj mskùug;a iQodkï jk nj jd¾;d jkjd'

bkaÈhdfõ mej;s ue;sjrKfha§;a w.ue;s fudaÈ Èkùu i|yd fnd,sjqâ k¿ ks<shkaf.a úfYaI odhl;ajhla ,enqK w;r ta wkqj hñka fuu jevms<sfj, ilia lr we;'

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