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.=ref.dv§ wk;=rla l< fg,s
ks<s Wodßg ‍fmd,sia wem

fg,skdgH yd iskud ks<shl jk Wodß j¾Kl=,iQßh uy;añh mojd f.k meñ‚ fudag¾ r:h fydrK .=ref.dv m%foaYfha§ h;=remeÈhl .eàfuka isÿjQ ßh wk;=rlska h;=re meÈlre ;=jd, ,nd fydrK uQ,sl frday,g we;=<;a lrk ,oehs fydrK ‍fmd,sish i|yka lrhs'

rEm.; lsÍulska wk;=rej kej; fld<U n,d meñfKñka isáh§ 1od rd;%S 9'30g muK fuu wk;=r isÿù we;s nj;a" h;=remeÈfha .egqKq fudag¾ r:h wi, lKqjl .eàfuka miq k;r ù we;s nj;a" fï fya;=fjka fudag¾ r:hg nrm;< ydks isÿù we;s nj;a ‍fmd,sish mjihs'

h;=remeÈfha meñ‚ fydrK ne,a,msáfha mÈxÑ 25 yeúßÈ ;reKhd fm!oa.,sl wdh;khl fiajh n,d hñka isáh§ fuu wk;=rg ,laù we;s w;r Tyqf.a mdofha j<¨‍lrg iy uqyqKg iq¿ ;=jd, isÿù we;'

wk;=r isÿ l< fg,s ks<sshg kskao hdu ksid fuu wk;=r isÿ jQ njg iel lrk njo weh iu. tu wjia:dfõ§ ;j;a whl= fudag¾ r:fha .uka lr we;s njo ‍fmd,sish i|yka lrhs'
fomd¾Yajfhau tlÕ;dj u; fg,s ks<sh ‍fmd,sia wem u; uqod yeÍug lghq;= l< nj;a fuu ui 15 jk Èk fydrK ufyia;%d;a wêlrKfha kvq mejÍug lghq;= l< njo ‍fmd,sish mjihs'

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