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jxpdjla kï ks, jYfhka úuikak - w;=r,sfha r;k ysñ

u;g ;s; jevigykg ,nd ÿka uqo,a iïnkaOfhka hï jxpdjla isÿj we;akï wud;HdxY ‍f,alïjrhd yryd ks, wdldrhg ta ms<sn| ;uka jykafiaf.ka úuish yels nj w;=r,sfha r;k ysñfhda mejiQy'tfia fkdue;sj NslaIQka jykafia kula lrk wNsfhda.hlg ms<s;=re §ug ;uka lsisfia;au iQodkï ke;s nj r;k ysñfhda i|yka l<y'

u;g ;s; jevigyk i|yd rch ,nd ÿka remsh,a ñ,shk130l uqo,g isÿjQfha l=ulaoehs ´udf¾ liaim ysñhka Bfha ^10& ke.+ wNsfhda.h iïnkaOfhka ßúr l< úuiqulg 
ms<s;=re foñka r;k ysñfhda tfia mejiQy'

tjlg wd.ñl lghq;= wud;HdxYh Tiafia u;aøjH ksjdrK jevms<sfj< i|yd fjka lrk ,o uqo, iïnkaOfhka wh:d hula isÿù we;akï ms<s.; yels mßÈ ks, uÜgfuka ta ms<sn| úuik f,i ;uka jykafia b,a,d isák njo r;k ysñfhda jeäÿrg;a i|yka l<y'

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