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wrúkaof.a fiamamqjg úo we;af;a
yefÜ j;af;a l=âfvla¨

ñka udi follg muK fmr l%slÜ l%Svl wrúkao o is,ajd uy;df.a fld<U ;¾iagka mdf¾ msysá ksjig we;=¿jQ fidrd wo fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg m;a jqKd'
u;al=vq j,g weíneysjQjl= jk Tyq fld<U 07 l=reÿj;af;a 60 j;af;a mÈxÑlrefjls' Tyq tod fidrd.kakd ,o úfoia uqo,a fkdaÜgq udre lsÍug fld<U fldgqjg jßkajr meñK ;snqK we;s w;r tu lghq;a;g wo;a meñKfmd,sia ks,Odßfhla oel ;s.eiaiS Èjhdfï§ ielmsg fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg f.k m%Yak lsÍfïÈ wrúkao is,ajd uy;df.a ksjfia fiamamqj ìo uqo,a fidrd .ekSu we;=¿ fidrlï /ila Tyq l< nj mdfmdÉpdrKh l< nj fmd,sish lshhs'

flfia fj;;a fuu u;al=vq f,da,shd wrúkaof.a ldurfha iSiSàù leurd yerjQ wdldrh fyda tu ryia uqrmoh ±k.;a wdldrh .ek fmd,sish wkdjrKh lr ke;'
wrúkao o is,ajd uy;d iy Tyqf.a ìß| ksjdvqjla .; lsÍu i|yd tx.,ka;hg f.dia isá wjia:dfõ ksjfia fiamamqjl ;snQ foaYSh yd úfoaYSh uqo,a /ila fidrdf.k f.dia ;snqk w;r tys jákdlu ,laI 50 la muK nj mejiqKd'
uqo,a w;=reokaù we;s nj oekf.k fï ms<sn|j fld,a¨msáh fmd,sish
mÍlaIK werUQ kuq;a fuu u;al=vq f,da,shd yuqjk ;=re ieliys; lsisfjl= fidhd.kakg neßúh'
fiamamqjg fhdod ;snQ ryiH wxlh oek isg we;af;a wrúkao o is,ajd uy;d" Tyqf.a ìß| iy uj muKla jk w;r fidrd fiamamqj wßkakg tu ryiH wxlh mdõÑÉ lr we;snjo mÍlaIKj,§ wkdjrKh ù ;snqKd'
isoaêh jk wjia:dfõ fiajlhka wgfokl= ksjfia isá njo mejiqKd'
yiqjQ fidrdg ta fiajlhska Woú l<do hkak .ek mÍlaIK ;ju isÿ flf¾'

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