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wkd¾l,S weußldfõ§ újdy jQjdh

m%lg ks<s wk¾l,S wdl¾Id foieïn¾ 6 fikiqrdod weußldfõ le,sf*dakshdfõ ieka ueÍfkdays§ újdy jqKd' weh w;.;af;a weußldfõ jdih lrk Y%S ,dxlslfhl= jk äIdka chisxyhs' fkdjeïn¾ ui uq,§ wk¾l,S wef.a uj iu.
weußldjg .sfha wef.a újdyfha jevlghq;= i|ydh' fkdjeïn¾ 13 jeksod weußldfõ f,dia wekac,Sia kqjr§ Tjqkf.a újdy .súi .ekSfï pdß;% mej;s w;r weh h<s ,xldjg tkq we;af;a ,nk ckjdß udifhah'
Y%S ,dxlslfhl= jk äIdka chisxy l=vd l, isgu
weußldfõ jdih lrkafkls' Tyqf.a mshd iqm%lg ffjoH fjda,ag¾ chisxyhs'

le,sf*dakshdfõ f,daia wekac,Sia ffjoH uOHia:dkh kñka frday,la mj;ajd hk Tyq fldaám;sfhls' .ïmy m%foaYfha Wm;,o äIdka mshd iu. ixl%uKhù l=vd l, isgu weußldfõ ye§ jeã we;s w;r Tyq fvd,a*ska welvñ yd fÜ,¾ fldf,aÊ úoHd, j,ska wOHdmkh yodrd miqj jHdmdr j,g w;.id we;' ±ka Tyq m%hsuß fm%djhsv¾ uefkaÊukaÜ kue;s iud.ula mj;ajdf.k hhs'

äIdkaf.a fidhqrd Tyqf.a kugu iudk kula we;s ä,dka chisxyhs' zä-f,dkaZ kñka m%lg ngysr .dhlfhl= jk Tyq ,xldfõ ku m<uq jrg weußldkq ì,afnd¾â .S; o¾Ylhgo f.k .sh .dhlhdh' Tyq isxydjf,dalkh Ñ;%mghgo rx.kfhka odhlù we;'

l,djg ys;e;s chisxy mjq, weußldfõ§ wkd¾l,Sg uqK .efikafka ñka ál l,lg fmr frdahs o is,ajd yd iqukd wurisxy iu. weußldfõ Ñ;%mg rE.; lsÍula i|yd .sh .ukl§h' tys§ äIdka yd wkd¾l,S w;r ñ;=oula f.dvke.S we;' ,xldjg wd miqj;a È.ska È.gu ÿrl:k u.ska wk¾l,S iu. in|;d meje;ajQ äIdka udi 3 l fmï in|;djhlska miq újdy .súi.ekSug ;SrKh lr ;snqKs'
újdyfhka wk;=rej ,xldjg wkd¾l,S meñfKkaklg kshñ;j we;af;a ,nk ckjdß udifhah' wk;=rej foaYmd,lhska k¿ ks<shka yd l%slÜ ;re iyNd.Sjk idohla ,xldfõ mj;ajkakg;a weh ie,iqï lr we;'
wkd¾l,Sf.a újdyfhka wk;=rej fndfydaÿrg weußldfõ mÈxÑjkakg bv ;sfnk w;r weh ,xldfõ§ isÿ l< wef.a foaYmd,k jev l,d jev ish,af,ka bj;ajkakgo ;SrKh lr we;'
újdyfha tla PdhdrEmhla fï iu. m<fjhs' jeäÿr PdhdrEm bÈßfha§ n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkak'

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