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mdfjk fjf<| ixlS¾Kh msysá
fíf¾ jefõ kd÷kk u< isrerla‌

msgfldgqj" neia‌áhka udjf;a mdfjk fjf<| ixlS¾Kh msysá fíf¾ jefõ ;sî kdÜ‌gdñjrhl=f.a njg iellrk u< isrerla‌ 28 jeksod yuq jQ nj urodk fmd,sish lshhs'

fíf¾ jej iqoao mú;% lsÍfï fh§ isá lïlrejka fofokl= uq,skau fuu u< isrer oel lrk ,o oekqï §ulg wkqj wod< u< isrer fidhd.;a nj fmd,sish lshhs'

jhi wjqreÿ 50 ;a 55 ;a w;r fmkque;s Tyqf.a u< isrer yuqjk úg hg we÷ulska yd ks,amdg àI¾Ü‌ tllska Tyq ieriS isg we;ehs fmd,sish lshhs'

fuu mqoa.,hd fíf¾ jejg mek ishÈú kid .;af;ao@ tfia;a fkdue;skï lsishï whl= fíf¾ jejg ;,a¨‍ lf<ao@ hkak iïnkaOfhka fmd,sish me;s lSmhla‌ Tia‌fia mÍla‍IK isÿlrhs'

ñ whf.a uD; YÍrh fld<U cd;sl frdayf,a uD; YÍrd.drfha ;nd we;'

fï ms<sn|j urodk fmd,sisfha ia‌:dkdêm;s m%Odk fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍Il ir;a fmf¾rd uy;df.a Wmfoia‌ u; ks,OdÍyq lKa‌vdhula‌ jeäÿr mÍla‍IK isÿlr;s'

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